Плетенка Fox Gravitron Pro Sinking Braid

Fox (Великобритания)

Супертонкая тонущая плетенка, созданная Fox в сотрудничестве с группой ведущих специалистов по карповой ловле. Gravitron has resulted in many captures in excess of 40lb!

Particularly liked its low diameter for distance casting and its fast sinking properties to help reduce the chances of spooking wary carp. The braid is virtually stretch free, ultra supple and abrasion resistant.

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A super low diameter sinking braid, designed in conjunction with Fox's team of leading carp consultants, Gravitron has resulted in many captures in excess of 40lb! Particularly liked its low diameter for distance casting and its fast sinking properties to help reduce the chances of spooking wary carp. The braid is virtually stretch free, ultra supple and abrasion resistant.

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Отзывы о товаре Плетенка Fox Gravitron Pro Sinking Braid

Сергей Толстых (Иванов)
апреля 8, 2017 1:04 pm
15lb какой размер? Спвсибо
игорь семенов
апреля 14, 2017 7:04 pm
Сергей Толстых (Иванов) написал:
15lb какой размер? Спвсибо
О,30 мм.

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