Грузила Drennan E-SOX Dropshot Bomb

Грузила Drennan E-SOX Dropshot Bomb

Описание товара

E-Sox Dropshot Bomb Weights fea­ture a spe­cially designed bulbous base to enable them to pivot while still holding bottom. This allows you to impart even more subtle and life­like move­ments into a Dropshot Lure without actu­ally moving the bomb.

The bulbous shape also helps with casting accuracy while the camo coating helps them to blend into the bottom. Your line simply locks into the spe­cial swivel, without the need for knots, so you can adjust the length of the drop shot tail easily.

This also means a bomb can safely dis­en­gage should it become heavily snagged. E-Sox Dropshot Bomb

Weights are avail­able in the fol­lowing sizes:
4g – 5 weights per packet
8g – 4 weights per packet
12g – 3 weights per packet
16g – 3 weights per packet
20g – 3 weights per packet

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